Investment Advice
Moran Partners are a “fundamental” investment manager with its core investment philosophy being to invest in assets that typically shown to be trading below or not significantly above their “fair value”.
Moran Partners will follow a dynamic asset allocation approach with allocations to specific asset allocations being varied to meet Moran Partners view on market conditions at any time. Moran Partners will adopt a capital preservation focus where market conditions demand this approach.
Moran Partners takes guidance from a suite of professional partners when making asset allocation decisions. The investment committee takes on-board the view of these partners and then makes an independent decision according to the market conditions at the time.
The dynamic nature of investment markets and how they respond to economic conditions means that it is prudent to be able to act on your portfolio in a timely manner. The current regulatory system, where client sign-off is required for each transaction, is very inefficient and can cause delays of weeks and months.
For this reason, Moran Partners has adopted a portfolio approach that provides us the ability to action portfolio changes in a very efficient and effective manner. With our client’s approval and where appropriate, we manage our portfolios under what is known as a separately managed account (SMA) structure. Depending on the choice of investment portfolio, we will be able to actively manage your portfolio to minimise risk (where necessary) or fully invest (where appropriate) to help smooth returns over time.